ITI Treatment Guide Series, Volume 09

725,00 DKK



Folk lever længere og har højere forventninger til sundhed og livskvalitet, end de gjorde i tidligere generationer, og der er sket demografiske ændringer gennem de seneste årtier, hvilket efterlader flere ældre end yngre.

Disse skift har stillet nye krav til implantattandlæger og -praktiserende læger, som nu ser ældre patienter rutinemæssigt i praksis. På grund af deres alder har disse patienter ofte visse fysiske eller psykiske begrænsninger og kræver derfor særlig tandpleje, især patienter med forskellige sygdomme. Dette bind omhandler den ældre patients situation og behov, fra systemiske forandringer og fysiske og psykiske begrænsninger til overvejelser om livskvalitet. Tolv kliniske cases demonstrerer løsninger til forskellige kliniske situationer, herunder behandling af en Alzheimer-patient, rehabilitering af en patient med slidgigt, behandlingssekvensering for fuldbuede aftagelige tandproteser, flapless guidet kirurgi til barre-støttede overproteser og minimalt invasiv behandling af en patient i 90'erne med svær peri-implantitis, bl.a.


Chapter 01: Introduction

Chapter 02: Implant Treatment in Old Age: Literature Review

Chapter 03: Aging: a Biological, Social, and Economic Challenge

Chapter 04: The Benefits of Implant-supported Prostheses in the Elderly Patient

Chapter 05: Medical Considerations for Dental Implant Therapy in the Elderly Patient

Chapter 06: Features of Removable Prostheses for the Old

Chapter 07: Implants and Partial-denture Design

Chapter 08: Implant-supported Overdentures for the Edentulous Patient

Chapter 09: Surgical Considerations in the Aging Patient

Chapter 10: Oral Hygiene in Geriatric Implant Patients

Chapter 11: The Ailing Patient

Chapter 12: Management of Technical and Biological Complications

Chapter 13: Clinical Case Presentations:

  • Improving an Existing Implant-supported Denture in an Alzheimer Patient with Bipolar Affective Disorder with Moderate Depression and Dementia
  • Maxillary Complete Denture and Mandibular Overdenture on Two Implants with Universal Design
  • Improving a Centenarian's Quality of Life
  • Oral Rehabilitation of an Elderly Edentulous Patient with Osteoarthritis Using an Implant-supported Mandibular Prosthesis with Locator Abutments
  • Maxillary Implant-supported Full-arch Removable Dental Prostheses for a Geriatric Patient: Sequencing the Treatment for an Optimal Outcome
  • Mandibular Overdenture Supported by a CAD/CAM-milled Bar with Long Distal Extensions on Two Conventionally Loaded Implants
  • Flapless Guided Surgery: Bar-supported Overdenture on Four Implants
  • Prosthodontic Solution for Two Angulated 6-mm Implants Supporting a Removable Partial Denture in a 74-year-old Patient
  • Rehabilitation of a Mandibular Distal Extension Situation in a 89-year-old Patient with an Implant-supported Fixed Dental Prosthesis
  • Minimally Invasive Treatment of a Patient in Her Nineties After Removing Implants Affected by Severe Peri-implantitis
  • Implant-retained Rehabilitation after Mandibular Rim Resection
  • Four Immediately Loaded Mini-implants Supporting a Mandibular Overdenture

Chapter 14: Conclusions

Chapter 15: References

Model/Varenr.: 70128
Lagerstatus: 7-10 dage




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